during the past couple of week, in fact, ever since I connected my EnvirR to my computer via the data cable (all white) there's been some periods where my EnviR seems frozen. It reports the same live consumption for several hours and also drops connection to the clamp connector showing just the dashes on the display. After I've noticed this (always through my.currentcost or pvoutput) it has either already went back to normal operation or the a power cycle has resumed it to normal operation. It's been under five times so far like this, but it's not a nice feeling knowing it might froze at any time for no apparent reason. Attached is an image from last night to show you what I mean. This time it froze at around midnight and kept the same consumption first for a few hours, the froze totally, then resumed and kept the same consumption once again for few hours until resumed normal operation in the morning without any interference.
Bridge connection should not be the issue as it's been weeks since there's been a "device frozen" notification from the bridge. Any ideas what is causing this, can it be because of the data cable plugged in and is there anything I can do except to unplug it?
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