I have just started downloading to CurrentCost with a bridge. Are all channels transmitted via the bridge? Which channel, if more than one is transmitted, is shown graphed on the dashboard. I note that the downloaded .csv file from the dashboard has only temperature and power.
I would like to suggest that many CurrentCost users would like to see all their data. I think that the people at CurentCost know this but I am adding my thoughts in order to reinforce this view. I have no desire to see the temperature channel. I see no benefit seeing the temperature of the room where the CC meter is. IUt has no relevence for me at the moment. I want to see the power consumption and the output from my solar panel.
Can I encourage others to voice their opinions so the developers at CurrentCost can accurately gauge the things their users want.
Prior to Google Power meter biting the dust I was able to use the SQLight database it produced to generate charts of my own.
PowerGraph.jpg [ 55.41 KiB | Viewed 73592 times ]
This chart has my main power and Hot Water as stacked bars above the horizontal axis and my solar power output shownas a negative value below that axis. The resolution is 1 minute intervals as averaged power over that minute.
I would love to have access to the raw data but that would mean leaving my computer on 24/7. If CC could provide access to all three channels of data that the CC meter collects I would count a loss in resolution an acceptable trade off.
I noticed elsewhere discussion of a spliced cable allowing data to be collected by a computer as well as the bridge acting as normal.
To the CFC people, thanks for your efforts so far. I know you realise that we want more from you and our expectaions are high and our needs various and diverse.
Can I encourage others of you to have your say.