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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:24 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:16 pm
Posts: 1
I got a bridge for my Current Cost EnviR about 14 days ago and all seems to be working OK with data going to the current cost server - the graphs there (ie at look complete.

Most of the data seems to go up Google PowerMeter but there are some gaps - 4 of teh 14 days have small or large gaps. So current cost seem to have all the data but I can't find a way of getting that data up to Google and filling the gaps - its all a closed system it seems.

I emailed support at current cost asking how this could be sorted but there is no reply.

1) Does anybody know how the current cost server can be 'prodded' to update Google PowerMeter with specifc date range data and hence fill gaps?

2) If not 1 does anybody know of a way where you can separately inject into Google PowerMeter data to fill a gap? I'd probably just fill the gap with an average consumption but at least then the day will be whole and the numbers useful.

3) If not 1 or 2 then does anybody else offer a service using the current cost bridge setup?

As things stand it all feels rather beta - near, but not near enough.

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