I've got a little .NET application which is reading from the EnviR, and pushing this data into a database. At the moment though, this runs for several hours quite happily, but then eventually the data stops coming.
I'm not 100% certain that this is the EnviR at this stage, but I don't seem to be getting any connection issue on the serial port. As I'm holding the serial port open all the time, I was wondering if there was something that might be shutting down on the datacable (which appears to have a PL3203 chip).
Anyone experienced something similar?
EDIT: Never mind. Worked out that the serial port was being closed by the Windows power management. Can be fixed either by disabling the USB Selective Suspend setting in the power management profile, or by turning off the power management features of the USB Root Hub that the data cable is plugged into (this can be found in the Windows device manager).
Last edited by poweruser on Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.