As you have a PIC programmer, if you could obtain a later version of the firmware then yes it's possible.
Some time back i read the firmware out of my EnviR, erased the PIC and checked it was blank, then put the firmware back in. Obviously this is done at your own risk and would void any warranties etc. The unit i used was an old unreliable one that i just used for experimenting with, on rare occasions (IE if i could be bothered) You don't need to take the EnviR apart either. The 8 pin RJ-45 on the bottom has all the ICSP pins available, which is nice! Just remember - they are designed to run on 3volts (PIC18LF IIRC) and therefore do not have your programmer set to 5 volts.
Beware - DON'T try reading the firmware from the transmitter units. I can't remember the exact reason why but i suspect one of the ICSP lines is used for another part of the circuit. The data gets corrupted so you don't get a valid file to be able to put back in. I've bricked a couple over passing years. Having said that i'm sure if the PIC or other components were to be removed then that too would be possible. Maybe i'll try it some day, again if i can be botherd.