Just spent a few days getting this working on my Pi
I am using it primarily as a media server - PI + WD 2Tb usb disc - uses 3w when disc spun down and about 10w when active low enought to leave on 24/7
I'm a complete Linux noob so its taken me a while to sort this - have a slightly different approach to ghubsch but like him I got the basic script from jibble.org (+credit)
My Pi is running squeezeplug (based on debian wheezy IIRC)
This is a headless setup and so I ssh in using putty
Minidlna (serving videos mainly for the 3 kids tablets - using bubbleupnp + vplayer and their computers - using VLC)
Apach2 + PHP5
I use a perl script to read the device and save the data to a RRD (round robin database) every 5 secs or so (total file size for 10 years data ~ about 1.5Mb
, the script also writes a little html file with the current power and temp to the webserver so I can check its running (changes every 5 secs).
I have some cron jobs creating png graphs on the server (10min.3hr,6hr,12hr,daily) every minute or so.
The data is also sent to cosm using the Net::Pachube module although its a lot less trouble using the wget method
(Net::Pachube was a pig to install for a noob with loads of dependencies that neeeds manually installing - even though I had cpanminus installed)
Was interested to notice that once the data flowed to cosm it started appearing in the currentcost dashboard again, noit sure whether sending the data to cosm every 5 sec is going to work long term but I will see
https://cosm.com/feeds/12483can post script if you are interested
I am having a few issues keeping the script running in the background - sometimes when I terminate the putty session it decides to end - still investigating that