Current Cost Support Forum

good spreadsheets to manioulate CSV data
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Author:  ajc [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  good spreadsheets to manioulate CSV data

Has anyone made some good excel spreadsheets to paste the csv data into?
Not really a whiz with excel but things I'm thinking about are being able to separate into peak, shoulder and offpeak, and plug in the 3 different cents/kWh tariffs
and also any quick pie charts etc that show total daily use overlayed with percentage breakdowns over peak, shoulder, offpeak.(or also even office hours/out of hours)

I know CC site and other websites that do this to an extent but would also be good to have a spreadsheet that you can paste multiple days/weeks data into and it references the different tabs to graph daily/weekly/monthly usage and show peak and baseline

Author:  clarisha [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: good spreadsheets to manioulate CSV data

How do i make my excel spreadsheet formulate a letter anytime that i put a number 60 and higher into a cell? I have an excel spreadsheet for our apartment community and anytime that I input onto the spreadsheet that someone is 60 or older I must put a capital 'Y' into a cell on the same spreadsheet three columns over that will indicate that that resident is a senior. Is there a formula or something that I need to use? Or can it even be done?

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